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Photos from Death Penalty Stall and Bake Sale

Thanks to everyone who baked, came along and helped out and signed our petition!

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Meeting Tuesday 8th October: Let’s Get Down To Business

Hope you’re all having a good weekend!

If you missed my update earlier this week, our chosen campaign for October is LGBT rights with a focus on Russia. You can check the website for our full list of campaigns for 2013-2014, as well as all the campaign action ideas put forward last week.

I am trying hard to keep the newsletters brief, but there are just so many exciting things I don’t want to leave out. For those of you who are too busy to read it all, I’ve written a summary just for you.

  • At Tuesday’s meeting we are splitting the committee rooms according to upcoming events
  • The elections are taking place at 6pm with drinks afterwards at the Old Schoolhouse on Woodlands
  • LGBT events (scroll down)

Here’s the plan for Tuesday:

Committee Room 1 – Campaigns

‘End the Death Penalty’ demo preparation

Our first demo will be next Thursday 10th October, which is of course International Day Against the Death Penalty.  We have some banners made in previous years and some AK-47s (of the cardboard variety) that we can put to good use so we need everyone who is free on Thursday to contribute ideas for an effective demonstration on library hill. We will be bringing along paints, sheets and cardboard to continue from past creative efforts.

LGBT Rights in Russia

We will begin our first campaign with a photo action as suggested by someone last week. We will have Robert (our website manager) along with his super expensive camera to take photos of us sending messages of solidarity to LGBT students on our campus and in the wider community.  We can also use this photo action to send a message to the Olympic Committee which has ignored Principle 6 of the Olympic Charter which states:

‘Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement’.

Our third photo action shall be focused on Vladimir Putin’s violent persecution of the LGBT community in Russia which we discussed on Tuesday which, believe it or not, is the same day that it was announced that he has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.  A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE!!! Oh dear.

Committee Room 2 – Fundraisers

This room shall be finalising our list of events for the year and planning our first semester fundraisers:

Bake sale alongside Thursday’s demo

We still have GU Amnesty tote bags that we can have on the stall as well and hopefully more will arrive by Tuesday for us to paint.

Pub quiz in October

We need to finalise our date for this and delegate responsibilities for running the quiz.

‘Love is a Human Right’ gig night in November, for which I am pleased to say that we have already recruited some acoustic talent!

Nikola will be looking for help with poster designs for our pub quiz and gig night.

Elections for Ordinary Board Members

The elections will take place at 6pm. Anyone who wants to stand for OBM but can’t make 6pm, please get in touch either via email or Facebook and we will try to make some arrangements.

Afterwards we shall head to the Old Schoolhouse for some more socialising.

LGBT Events

The Glasgay festival has officially begun and there are a whole lot of events taking place between now and 9th November.

In particular:

Tuesday 22nd October – ‘Cured’ 7.30pm @ The Arches

‘Inspired by real accounts of conversion therapy, two performers, Julie Hale and Mary Gapinski, uncover the stories of four women in a brand new play about love, identity and The Golden Girls.’

I think this event looks really good and happens to take place on a Tuesday after our meeting – if people are keen then we can go as a group. Tickets are £8.

Equality Network and Scottish Transgender Alliance event:

Thursday 17th October – ‘Including Intersectional Identities Film and Discussion Event’ 2pm Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

‘The films focus on Minority Ethnic LGBT and Disabled LGBT intersectional people and include their ideas on how services can better include them. A discussion about including intersectional identities in services will follow the screening.’

This event is free but places are limited. If you don’t have classes on Thursday at 2pm then give this a look.


Well done for making it to the bottom,


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Meeting Tomorrow 24 January 2012


Hi Amnestiers!

Hope you have all had a good start to your week.

This week’s meeting

This week’s meeting is on Tuesday (tomorrow!), at 5pm in QUDOS in the QMU. We’ll be talking about the Arms Trade and taking a couple of actions, as well as continuing to prepare and plan the Secret Policeman’s Ball.

Coming up

– THE SECRET POLICEMAN’S BALL 2012, Saturday 4th February, 7:30pm, £5: Our annual night of comedy is two and a half weeks away! The 5000 fliers (!) have arrived so the big job in the run-up to the event is to get rid of them! I’ll distribute them among you at tomorrow’s meeting. Here’s the event page: http://www.facebook.com/events/195138300581324/
Tickets are also available here: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/150821
And you can also buy them at the QMU box office!

– Cake stall this Friday: We’re running a cake stall on Friday to drum up some publicity for the Ball. We’ll sort out a rota at the meeting tomorrow.

Ticket info: If you have a bunch of friends you want to sell tickets to you can grab some tomorrow. If you took some away last week and have money please bring it tomorrow or next week- thanks! We really rely on the enthusiasm of members to guarantee the success of the event, so keep plugging it to everyone you know!

See you tomorrow!


Website: http://www.guamnesty.org.uk/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/guamnesty
Please join our Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/guamnesty/
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/guamnesty/

Valentine’s Stall and Action For Change

Hello GU Amnesty,

A few things for you attention.
Valentine's Cake
Valentine’s Day Stall

Monday 14th February

* 11am – 2pm – I forgot to send round a rota on Tuesday so if you could get back to me with your availability for half an hour slots that will be much appreciated!
* Heart shaped cakes and love related crafts – Any artistic folk out there who fancy their hand at some valentines gifts 🙂
* I’ll send round the rota by Sunday at the latest

Action For Change Weekend

Friday 11th – Saturday 12th March


Interested so far:

* Sophie
* Jessie
* Martin
* Jane

If you can get back to me to confirm then we can book the places up! Remember only 4 places so if anyone else is interested let me know asap!

Thank you and all the best,

More Stall Photos!

More cages!

Cage model closeup

The stall

The stall

Tshirts, cages

Stall wares

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Two More Stall Pics

I was sent some more pictures of the stall, which include a close-up of our very own hand made cage + pipe cleaner figure. These may go on sale again in the future, but be sure to get there quickly when they do – they are very popular!

(click on the pictures for a larger image)

Cage close-up:

Cage and Pipe Cleaner Figure Closeup

Another shot:

Another Stall Pic

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Stall Info and Pics

As you all should be aware, we recently had a stall to raise awareness of Guantánamo Bay being open for six years, and as part of the raise-off. The event involved distributing leaflets and giving out information on Guantánamo and unsubscribe; selling cakes and confectionary; and selling hand-made mini-cages (which were very popular!).

It also involved me (robert) and Jonny (see what we do) going down Byres Road to talk to people about it – and sell more cakes! The novel part was me being dressed in a bright orange jumpsuit and blindfolded for the journey. The response was surprisingly good, although Jonny informs me that a few people scattered when they saw us coming! Those that we talked to were very receptive, although perhaps they were a little perturbed by the blindfolded man casually chatting away about unsubscribe and Guantánamo. It was good fun though.

Robert + Jonny

The Stall

Stall Cash

Thanks to everyone who took part in the stall and made it possible.

Unsubscribe from human rights abuses in the war on terror