Tuesday 1st February

January 31, 2011 in information by megiana

Hello everyone,

Just a quick email to let you all know what we’ll be doing tomorrow.

With all that we have coming up over the next few months we’ve decided to try and concentrate on one thing at a time. The beginning of the meeting shall see us discussing the upcoming events and assigning a few roles to anyone who wants involved. The events include: The Sleep Out, The Scottish Parliament Elections and the upcoming Annual Ceilidh.

Tuesday 1st February, 5pm, QMU, committee room 1: Gaza, two years on, planning for an awareness raising event.

We shall then be watching some footage on the Amnesty view point of the Gaza, two years on, situation. We shall then have a discussion and hopefully come to a conclusion on how we want to take this forward.

If you’d like to take a look at the campaign before tomorrow, follow this link:

Please come along and bring any ideas with you!
